
and press releases

  • Drei Zapfpistolen an einer Zapfsäule, eine davon mit E20-Aufkleber

Testing of Super E20 at German filling stations

October 10, 2024 - Although there is currently no valid standard for Super E20 fuel, it is permitted to be sold at filling stations for research and testing purposes. Operators must observe certain regulations and meet certain requirements.

  • A black GDI injector in a test rig with pipes, hoses and cables.

Testing injectors for supercritical gas turbines

16 June 2024 - TEC4FUELS is currently further developing its concept for dynamic hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing to ensure the compatibility of energy sources and the materials of technical components. The range of possible applications of the test procedure is currently being demonstrated in the EU research project HERMES, ...

  • Kraftstoffleitungen, ein Stromkabel und ein Einspritzsystem auf einer silbernen Oberfläche.

Development of methanol fuel

09 October 2023 – A research consortium has developed comprehensive technical foundations for the use of methanol fuel in Europe. The research project, called "Methanol Standard," focused on studies relevant to the standardization of methanol as a fuel and delivered important findings. The consortium investigated the compatibility of methanol ...

  • Metallteile und Kabel auf einem Prüfstand

E-fuels are ready for takeoff

13 July 2023 – The development of synthetic fuels from renewable sources, which as so-called e-fuels could make an important contribution to climate protection and lower pollutant emissions, has already reached a high level of technical maturity. Fuels that are compatible with existing and current engine technology and comply with …

  • A test bench with electric motor, injector, cables and lines

Dimethyl ether as an alternative fuel

22 June 2023 - A research consortium led by Ford Research and Innovation Center Aachen is currently investigating the technical conditions under which diesel vehicles can run on dimethyl ether (DME) as an alternative fuel. DME is a gas that has similar physical properties to the liquid gases propane and butane and is also liquid ...

  • Techniker im Maschinenbau montieren eine Gasturbine  für die En

Development of a highly efficient gas turbine power plant

26 January 2023 - Climate-neutral, emission-free and highly efficient - this is what the power generation of the future could look like with a new generation of supercritical gas turbine power plants. The prerequisite is that they are operated with storable, renewable energy sources instead of natural gas and in the supercritical range, and that the CO2 required ...

  • Ein Lastwagen auf einer Straße in den Bergen mit Sonnenuntergang.

Oxygenates as climate-neutral and clean fuels

12 January 2023 – The production of a low-emission, climate-neutral e-fuel in a direct production process is the overarching goal of the current EU research project E-TANDEM. In this project, an international consortium with the participation of OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH and TEC4FUELS GmbH is working on the efficient and direct production …

  • Erlenmeierkolben mit alternativem Kraftstoff von H_Ko - AdobeStock

Research on the new diesel fuel REDIFUEL

13 December 2022 – The production and use of a new climate-friendly diesel fuel from biogenic residual and waste materials are technically feasible and have been successfully demonstrated in the EU research project REDIFUEL.

  • Personen sitzen auf einem Podium im Halbkreis nebeneinander.

Hydrogen lead project H2Giga

08 November 2022 – At the status conference of the hydrogen flagship project H2Giga, the project partners Tec4Fuels GmbH and the Dechema DECHEMA Research Institute presented their milestones of their joint project "Fluid Condition Monitoring (FluCoM)" , achieved after eight months in mid-September 2022.

  • Drei weiße Autos, in Motorrad und ein Lkw stehen auf einer Straße.

Methanol-to-gasoline – a new fuel with potential

25 October 2022 – Methanol-to-gasoline has the potential to become a carbon-neutral and high-quality fuel of the future, replacing mineral oil-based gasoline. MtG blends with 10% bio-ethanol (MtG E10) or 15% 2-butanol (MtG 2-Bu15) are compliant with the EN 228 standard for gasoline and are therefore suitable for both newly registered and existing vehicles.

  • Ein Containerschiff fährt in einen Hafen.

Developing new marine fuels with HiL testing

14 July 2022 – With the smart hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) tests of Tec4Fuels GmbH, there is a comparatively fast and cost-effective laboratory procedure that enables valid statements to be made in the development process about the compatibility of new sustainable fuels with engine technology - even for marine fuels.

  • A large blue engine with black fuel filters and lines for fuel supply.

Seminar: fuels for emergency power supply

29. April 2022 – The quality of fuels is an important factor for the operational reliability of emergency power systems. The seminar provides tips for the correct purchase, storage and quality assurance of fuels for emergency power supply.

  • Five men standing next to each other look into the camera, in the background the projection of other participants of an online conference.

Tec4Fuels co-operates with National Institute of Engineering

12 April 2022 – Tec4Fuels GmbH and OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH in Herzogenrath will co-operate in the future with the National Institute of Engineering (NIE) in Mysore, India. The co-operation agreement, which was signed at the end of March, serves to promote research and technical innovations, academic exchange and entrepreneurial commitment on the part of ...

  • Ein silberner Motorblock mit Metallrädern, auf denen schwarze Keilriemen laufen.

Study on fuel additives

28 February 2022 – In long-term use, "premium additives" in fuels have a positive effect on engine function and can thus have a positive effect on emission behavior. According to current knowledge, the use of additives does not pose any significant risk to the environment or health. This is the conclusion of a study ...

  • Windräder, Wasserstofftanks und Elektrolyseure vor blauem Himmel

Fluid Condition Monitoring for Electrolysers

28 January 2022 - To ensure the performance and economic efficiency of electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen, TEC4FUELS GmbH and the DECHEMA Research Institute are developing a fluid condition monitoring system to monitor the quality of the water required in the electrolysis process.

  • Ein langer Gang in einem beleuchteten Raum it hohen Serverschränkern links und recht und am Ende des Gangs

Powering data centers with fuel cells

14. December 2021 – The development and demonstration of a resilient power supply for data centers with fuel cells is the goal of the current EU research project "EcoEdge PrimePower" (E2P2). The plan is to develop and operate a fuel cell demonstrator as the primary power source for a data center.

  • A drawing with houses trees and meadow, truck, car and plane and the logos of the research projects and funding agencies.

Advanced Fuels

12. November 2021 – How climate-friendly, advanced fuels are technically feasible was the subject of the successfully completed research clusters "C3Mobility" and "REDIFUEL". The consortium partners will present the central results of the research in an online closing event on November 23 and 24, 2021.

  • On a test bench there is a metal fuel pump with hoses for the supply and removal of fuel.


23 September 2021 – Tec4Fuels GmbH has set up a non-motor hardware-in-the-loop test rig for marine fuels in the EU research project "IDEALFUEL" and successfully performed a first test run with marine gas oil as reference fuel. Over a test run time of 100 hours at a pressure of 1,000 bar, no incompatibilities arose with the materials of the fuel-carrying components.

  • A large blue engine with black fuel filters and lines for fuel supply.

Emergency power systems need a fuel check

16 August 2021 – Prolonged power outages are not as rare as they seem. In such cases, emergency power systems step in to supply the infrastructure with emergency power. To ensure that the engine of an emergency power generator runs reliably, it is therefore important to carry out a regular fuel check to check the fuel quality.

  • Interviewsituation mit einem Kraftstoff-Prüfstand im Hintergrund

Testing of climate-friendly fuels in the video

07 July 2021 – A video provides an insight into the testing of climate-friendly fuels. It is part of the video series "Tour de Futur" about climate-friendly and renewable fuels of the future. The video team visited Tec4Fuels and looked over the shoulders of the employees at work. Tec4Fuels employees answered the questions ...