Consulting on technical innovations and new fuels
The development of technical innovations and new fuels for mobility and domestic heating is taking place in a very dynamic and increasingly complex environment. It is often driven by stricter climate protection regulations and is geared to the demands for greater efficiency of new technologies and the use of fuels with low greenhouse gas emissions. The diversification of raw materials for the production of alternative fuels is one of the central challenges for product development. At the same time, this offers opportunities for the development of successful products and the establishment of new business fields. In the run-up to developments, strategic decisions have to be made that require a vision along the entire value chain.
The technical consulting of TEC4FUELS ranges from fundamental questions of innovation management to pre-development, concept and series development to after-sales.
TEC4FUELS supports customers in strategic issues, such as the long-term strategic orientation and development of their business areas, by identifying, monitoring and evaluating technology trends. We also advise on concept decisions in product development and accompany validation and the steps up to series production, for example for new fuels or additive formulations, but also for new fuel-bearing components or combustion systems.