Test Procedures for Fuels, Systems, and Components

TEC4FUELS is a competence centre for conventional and alternative fuels and lubricants and their application in existing and new technologies. As a research service provider, TEC4FUELS is active in the research and development of technical components and products, systems and energy sources as well as their application in the energy market for fuels. This includes the development and implementation of application-oriented hardware-in-the-loop test procedures to determine the functionality and performance of application technologies and fuels. The aim of the investigations is usually to optimise the operational safety and service life of technical components and systems. In addition to test procedures and fuel checks, TEC4FUELS also offers R&D-related consulting and other services. This also includes testing and certification, procurement as well as manufacturing and sales of the products.

TEC4FUELS supports its customers in the following areas:

Development of special hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) systems and implementation of test methods for quality assurance of technical components as well as conventional and alternative fuels and lubricants.

Fuel check for emergency power supply systems
Monitoring the quality of fuel stocks in emergency power supply systems (emergency power generators) to maintain availability and operational safety.

Technical Consulting
Advice on fundamental questions of innovation management, pre-development, concept development, series development and after-sales service.

As an experienced and reliable partner, TEC4FUELS meets the highest quality standards and accompanies product development from the initial idea to quality assurance and the production of prototypes.

Our cooperation partners

TEC4FUELS GmbH works together with the en2x – the Association of Fuels and Energy and the OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH on sustainable solutions for energy system transformation.

en2x – the Association of Fuels and Energy

(Main shareholder of TEC4FUELS GmbH)

en2x – the Association of Fuels and Energy is cooperating with its member companies from the current petroleum industry towards achieving the Paris climate targets.

The members ensure a large part of today’s energy supply for mobility and heating in Germany and considerable quantities of chemical base-products. Now, a comprehensive transformation process is needed for a greenhouse gas-neutral future. By developing a variety of renewable energies, alternative fuels and raw materials, technologies and innovations, the industry can make crucial contributions to this transformation.

We want to guide this process, help shape it and drive it forward via open dialogue with other stakeholders in the energy transition.

More at www.en2x.de

OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH

(100 % subsidiary of TEC4FUELS GmbH)

OWI is an independent and non-profit research institution. In cooperation with partners from industry and research, OWI researches and develops concepts and technologies in the fields of energy-efficient use of liquid conventional and alternative fuels as well as innovative efficiency technologies. The aim is to develop technically mature, low greenhouse gas and low-emission solutions for the heat generation and mobility of tomorrow. OWI is an affiliated institute of the RWTH Aachen and sees itself as an intermediary between basic research and application.

More at www.owi-aachen.de