Additional services Fuel Check

You can combine the following additional services

Smart Analytic

In the case of emergency power systems with a day tank and a main tank, we analyse the fuel level in the day tank and only if there are any abnormalities do we analyse the fuel level in the main tank.

The fuel quality in the day- and main tank may differ because of different storage conditions. Therefore, we take one sample per tank. At Smart Analytic, we decide on the need for analysis and evaluation of the main tank sample depending on the quality in the day tank. By that, we avoid unnecessary costs, without dispensing safety.

If you wish to analyse the fuel quality in both tanks regardless of the day tanks‘s analysis we can gladly arrange this as well.


Sampling at the tank system by Tec4Fuels by appointment:

With pleasure we take handle the sampling for you. You only take care of the access to the tank system, we will take care for the rest. This is how you save time and training effort and have the security of a correct sampling for sound analysis results.

By the way: If needed, we make an offer for the assessment and examination of the tank system’s professional equipment by an expert according to Water Resources Law (WHG).


Agreement on a regular quality control of the fuel storage:

We offer maximum security. Within a 5-year contract on easy terms, we regularly take care of the next appointment in accordance with the recommended test cycle. You can benefit from a complete time series of fuel and analysis data of your system. We also provide proof of a safety-conscious and responsible quality monitoring.

Our fuel experts will be pleased to advise you and support you with a reasonably priced, tailor-made offer.

Further information is available at:

+49 2407 55830-00 or