Study: Problem Fuel Storage

A study initiated by the Institute for Heat and Oil Technology on the basis of increasing incidents proves for the first time that the reliable operational readiness of more than 80 % of the investigated emergency power systems is not guaranteed due to the fuel. Fuel reserves with biodiesel content, which proves to be critical in terms of long-term stability, were particularly critical. The following problem areas became clear in the study:

Operators monitor the fill level, but not the fuel quality

Up to now, regular quality analysis of the fuel stocks have generally not been carried out. A long storage time of the fuel over several years is usually only countered by a limited shelf life. A problem with the fuel is often only recognised when malfunctions have already occurred or even damage has occurred or the engines have failed.

Critical long-term stability of commercially available diesel with bio component

Engine manufacturers generally require diesel fuel in accordance with DIN EN 590, which today is blended with up to 7% biodiesel to comply with the Biofuel Quota Act. This diesel is designed for the transport sector with a consumption within 90 days, but not for long-term storage. In the case of biogenic admixtures, the risk of fuel-induced malfunctions of the emergency power system due to degradation and microbiological contamination of the fuel increases for fuel stocks during longer storage periods.

Installations with copper pipes accelerate fuel aging

Copper pipes are often used to supply fuel between the tank and the engine. However, the catalytic influence of non-ferrous metals leads to a faster ageing of the fuel with negative consequences for its suitability for use.

The detailed results of the study and practical recommendations can now be requested by e-mail: